
5. Juni / The Real Moebius Hardcore

20:00 Uhr

von Frank ESHER Lämmer, Jo Preußler
Deutschland 2005, 30 min, Graffiti-Sciene-Fiction

Der 30-minütige Papp-Puppen-Animations Film "The Real Moebius Hardcore", persifliert Moebius 17 und gibt eine possenhafte Einführung in die Welt von Snake und Brake, den zweidimensionalen Writern aus Mahlsdorf im Stil von South Park. Das Pappfigurenballett klärt auch einige Fragen über den Inhalt des Moebius 17 Films. Als dann plötzlich das Bernsteinzimmer und Massenvernichtungswaffen vorbeiziehen, weiß man auch wo der Zug geblieben ist. Herber Humor mit stylo Papp-Graffitis zwingen selbst Moebius-Skeptiker zu guter Laune.

Zusammen mit Moebius 17 bilden die zwei Filme eine ausgleichende Einheit und unterhaltsames Graffiti-Kino der anderen Dimension. Trotzdem bleiben viele Fragen...

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Two writers are bombing a train. Eventually, drawing the highlights, they are suprised by the security staff. They are being chased but finally manage to escape. One of the two writers, decides not to give up until he gets "a fuckin' picture of his fuckin' train". Trying to get a picture of his rolling canvas, he has to face a labyrinth of subway lines crossing each other, connections, quotations, fantastic observations, and paradoxical indications. However, Train No. 17 is missing inside the underground system. The Public Transport are looking for the disappeared train as well. The special Graffiti commission, special forces, and computer experts begin to chase. Parallelly, the chairman of the Public Transport, Himmel, is being accused of corruption while building a new cross connection.

This is not by chance. In real life, Himmel's name is Arno Funke who became Germany's most sympathetic blackmailer of department stores using the alias "Dagobert". Is he once again trying to escape in the underground with millions? The current Moebius conspirancy started in 1997, when Frank Lämmer watched the Argentinian adaption of the story. Since that time, he has been on the "Moebius-stripe". This differentially theoretical phenomenon, is named after its discoverer A.F.Moebius, and was not only engraved by the Dutch artist M.C. Escher in wood but has also inspired the writer Esher. Together with Jo Preußler he started the securing of evidence in 2002. After a wooden subway got cinematically lost inside the subway system of Buenos Aires, it is now up to No. 17. This Graffiti Sci-Fi is not easy to handle but to stay balanced we meet later the cardboard-characters Snake and Brake who persiflage "Moebius 17" and show us their world.

The Real Moebius Hardcore

Location: 3001 Kino, Schanzenstraße 75

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